Tramadol should only be taken when the doctor prescribes it.

Moreover, it is important to check the medication guides as well as directions on the prescription label.

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Tramadol (Ultram)


Tramadol (Ultram)

Tramadol is a pain killer that is used in treating average to severe pain. Opioids and Tramadol both are alike and Tramadol is generally categorized as a synthetic opioid. This medicine works in the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain.

How to Take Tramadol?

Tramadol (Ultram) should only be taken when the doctor prescribes it. Moreover, it is important to check the medication guides as well as directions on the prescription label. Tramadol should never be consumed in large amounts or continued if the time is over in the prescription. The doctor should be informed immediately if the patient or user develops an urge to consume more Tramadol.

Tramadol can be taken with food or without food however, you should remember to follow it the same way every time you take it. If you have started taking Tramadol then you must stop opioid medications straight away.

You should swallow the tablet or capsule all at once to avoid fatal overdose that can be caused due to exposure. The medicine should not be broken, crushed, chewed, dissolved or opened. This medicine should only be taken orally and not inhaled or injected into the veins.

Tramadol Dosage

Dosage for pain required by adults:

  • Adults aging from 17 years and above need 50 mg to 100 mg every 4-6 hours depending on the type of pain.
  • The maximum dose for adults in a day is 400 mg.

Dosage for chronic pain required by adults:

  • Extended-Release (ER) needs to be taken by adults aging from 18 years and above (tramadol-naive). It should be taken orally and 100 mg once every day.
  • The maximum dose for adults in a day is 300 mg.

Dosage for pain required by geriatric:

  • The dose should be starting from a very low range and should be handled with great care.
  • Users or patients over 75 years require a maximum dose of 300 mg a day of Immediate Release (IR).

Dosage for pain required by pediatric:

  • Tramadol is not approved for use in children or pediatric patients/users.

What Should be Avoided While Still Having Tramadol in the Prescription?

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited as it can cause severe side effects or even cause death. It is ideal to avoid doing any hazardous task or driving while still consuming Tramadol regularly. Furthermore, drowsiness or dizziness can cause accidents, severe injuries, or falls.

Side Effects of Tramadol

If any reaction is caused after taking Tramadol (Ultram) then you should immediately seek medical help or a doctor’s advice.

  • Breathing problem
  • Skin reaction
  • Seizure
  • Weak pulse
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Itching
  • Stomach pain
  • Tiredness

Different other side effects may also occur so it is advised to talk to your doctor about them.

What Happens If There is a Tramadol Overdose?

Emergency medical attention needs to be provided if an overdose takes place. Overdose because of Tramadol (Ultram) can be deadly, especially in an individual using it without a prescription or in children. The symptoms usually consist of slow or no breathing, pinpoint pupils, or severe drowsiness.

Doctors usually recommend their patients to keep naloxone which is a medicine that can reverse an opioid overdose. The person who is taking care of you should give you the naloxone if you do not wake up or stop breathing.

However, it is still necessary to get medical help when an overdose takes place. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) must be performed on you by your caregiver or whoever is in charge, while still waiting for medical help to arrive.

To be on the safe side, educate the person who is taking care of you on how to use naloxone and what is it for. The person caring for you should know where the naloxone is kept and if there is no naloxone then it can be purchased from any pharmacy.

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